Afghan forces and the NATO-led coalition troops have detained two local Taliban leaders in southern Afghan province of Kandahar, in the latest raids against insurgency in the country, the coalition forces said on Wednesday. "An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban facilitator in Panjwai district, Kandahar province, today," the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said in a statement. "The detained Taliban facilitator is believed to have overseen the management of weapons caches for his Taliban network and ensured the facilitation of equipment, vehicles and weapons to insurgent fighters," it said without naming the man. The security force also detained two suspected men and seized nearly 317 kg of illegal narcotics as a result of the operation in the province 450 km south of Kabul, the statement added. Another Taliban leader was arrested by the joint forces in Maiwand district on Monday, according to the statement. "The leader is believed responsible for coordinating insurgent operations, including the distribution of weapons and funds to insurgent fighters responsible for conducting attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the province," Afghan forces and some 100,000 NATO-led coalition troops have intensified cleanup operations against Taliban and other militant groups throughout the country recently. Figures released by the Afghan Interior Ministry showed nearly 60 insurgents had been killed and nearly 200 others detained during military operations across the country since Jan. 1 this year.