Four militants, including a senior insurgent leader, were killed Friday when Afghan forces and the NATO-led coalition troops launched an operation in northern province of Baghlan, according to coalition statement issued here. \"An Afghan and coalition security force killed a senior insurgent leader, Jamal, who had ties to both the Taliban and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan. Three other insurgents were killed and two insurgents detained during the operation in Burkah district, Baghlan province, today,\" the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) said in a statement. \"Also known as Mullah Zabiullah, Jamal was the second highest ranking insurgent official in Burkah district. His cell of terrorists is responsible for a significant number of attacks, including suicide bombings, against Afghan civilians throughout Baghlan and Takhar provinces,\" the statement added. The security force also seized four AK-47 guns and ammunition as a result of the operation, it noted. In addition, the joint forces also killed four insurgents and detained 12 other suspects during separate operations in eastern and southern provinces earlier in the day and Thursday, according to the statement. The security forces have recently intensified operations across the country as spring and summer known as the fighting season is drawing near. The Taliban, which has been waging an insurgency of more than one decade, has yet to make comments.