Up to six militants were killed and 11 others arrested in security operations within the last 24 hours, the Afghan Interior Ministry said Monday morning. \"Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) and NATO-led coalition forces launched cleanup operations in Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunduz, Badakhshan and Kandahar provinces over the past 24 hours. As a result six armed Taliban were killed, two wounded and 11 others were arrested by the ANSF,\" the ministry said in a press release providing daily operational updates. They also found and seized weapons, the statement said, without saying if there were any casualties on the side of security forces. Figures released by the ministry showed more than 600 militants had been killed and nearly 270 others detained in a series of military operations launched since last month across the central Asian country. The Taliban insurgent group, which has been waging an insurgency of more than one decade, has yet to make comments.