Afghan Forces, Taliban, ISIS Militants Suffer Casualties in Eastern Afghanistan

Armed militants including the Taliban, ISIS insurgents and the Afghan security forces suffered casualties in the latest clashes in various parts of eastern Nangarhar province in Afghanistan, Khaama Press reported. 
The provincial government media office in a statement said on Sunday at least eleven Taliban insurgents and nine ISIS militants were killed during the clashes and airstrikes in Ghani Khel, Kot, and Khogyani districts. 
The statement further added clashes broke out between the militants and Afghan forces in Marko area of Ghani Khel district, adding that at least one Afghan soldier, one police, and three Afghan Local Police (ALP) personnel also lost their lives during the clashes. 
The provincial government said clashes between Taliban insurgents and Afghan forces also broke out late in other parts of Khogyani and many Taliban insurgents were killed but the exact number is not clear so far. 
At least four public order police forces personnel also their lives during the clashes, the provincial government said, adding that the ISIS militants were killed in US drone strikes in Kot district. 

Source : QNA