At least 22 Afghan civilians were killed and injured following an improvised explosive device explosion in Herat

At least 22 Afghan civilians were killed and injured following an improvised explosive device explosion in Herat province of Afghanistan province, according to local authorities The incident took place on Tuesday evening in Obe district of Herat province, killing at least 17 people and injuring five others, according to Afghan (Khaama Press).
Obe district chief Ismatullah Danishyar confirming the report said all the victims are members of the same family. Danisyar further added the incident took place after the vehicle of the civilians struck with a roadside bomb. No group including the Taliban militants has so far claimed responsibility behind the incident. Local authorities blame Taliban for the incident as Taliban fighters frequently use improvised explosive device (IED) as the weapon of their choice to target Afghan and coalition security forces which normally lead to civilian casualties.

Source: BNA