At least eight Afghan civilians working as labor in a NATO-led coalition security forces military base were killed

At least eight Afghan civilians working as labor in a NATO-led coalition security forces military base were killed by unknown gunmen in eastern Logar province of Afghanistan, according to local authorities. 
Officials further added that the dead bodies of the civilians were found in Khushi district.
Deputy provincial security chief Raees Khan Sadiq Abdul Rahimzai confirming the report said the deceased individuals were residents of Kalanghar area in Pul-e-Alam district and were working in a NATO military base. 

Afghan online newspaper (Khaama Press) quoted Rahimzai as saying that the civilians were killed by unknown gunmen today in Khushi district while they were on their way to the military base. No group including the Taliban militants has so far claimed responsibility behind the incident. 
Source: BNA