Suicide attack kills scores of military recruits in Yemen's Aden
People check the site of a suicide bombing in the southern port city of Aden

A powerful car bomb explosion rocked Yemen's southern port city of Aden on Monday morning, killing at least 71 young military recruits who were preparing to join government forces and wounding scores, the New york Times quoted officials as saying. 

The explosion took place in the crowded Mansoura neighborhood around 8:15 am, a time when many people were outside commuting to work, officials said.

Mansoura has been the site of multiple attacks by militants in the past year.

Daesh through its Amaq News Agency, called the attack a “martyrdom operation” and said it killed “around 60 people.”

The terrorist group and the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda have exploited the chaos of the country’s long-running civil war to exercise control in certain areas, especially in the south.

Source: MENA