Manchester City and Italy star Mario Balotelli told Italian press Wednesday that he will take a paternity test after his former fiancee claimed that she was pregnant with his child. Raffaella Fico, a 24-year-old television celebrity and underwear model, told Wednesday\'s edition of the weekly Chi that she was expecting Balotelli\'s baby. \"Once I have proof of my paternity, I will assume full responsibility,\" said the 21-year-old Balotelli in a statement. \"I learnt from third parties a few days ago that Raffaella was expecting. That is why I decided to contact her and it was only then that she told me it was true. \"I am very disappointed -- I don\'t think it\'s normal to not be told anything until the fourth month of a pregnancy.\" The couple\'s 18-month relationship frequently made headlines in the Italian media prior to their split in April.