Marseille coach Didier Deschamps shed light on back-room tensions at the club on Monday when he expressed his shock at critical comments made about him by sporting director Jose Anigo. "In the 27 years of my professional life, I've never heard such hurtful words about me as in this instance," Deschamps told a press conference. "I love this club. The situation on a sporting level is complicated and the important thing is to put every effort into going as high as possible." Controversy has arisen over the relationship between Deschamps and Anigo after the coach implied in recent comments that not everyone at the club "was pulling in the same direction". Considering himself the target of Deschamps' words, Anigo reacted angrily after Marseille's 2-0 defeat of Ajaccio in Ligue 1 on Saturday. "Me, I don't play," said Anigo, who is also responsible for relations with the club's fans. "I don't pick the team and I don't meddle with day-to-day affairs. "It's stupid to make little comments like that, when the situation demands that you focus everything on the pitch so that the team wins. "It comes close to irresponsibility and stupidity." He added: "You can't always say it's the fault of so-and-so or so-and-so... He'd be better off keeping his tongue in his mouth." On Monday, Deschamps said he was "surprised" by Anigo's attack, as the two men had held what Deschamps described as a "constructive" 45-minute meeting the day before. OM president Vincent Labrune announced later on Monday that Anigo had been fined over his comments. "A financial sanction has been imposed on the sporting director," said Labrune in a statement published on the club's website. "More than ever, at Olympique de Marseille the common interest has to prevail over personal interests." Marseille's victory over Ajaccio was only their second win of the season. The 2010 French champions, runners-up last season, are currently 12th in the Ligue 1 table, 10 points below the Champions League qualifying places.