FIFA President Joseph Sepp Blatter

Amid calls for his dismissal Thursday, FIFA President Sepp Blatter blamed allegations of widespread corruption within soccer's governing body on "a few" and called for those involved to be punished as FIFA works to rebuild its reputation, the CNN reported.

Blatter spoke at the opening of a FIFA World Congress that's expected to be like no other.

Swiss authorities are investigating the 2018 and 2022 World Cup bids, while a US investigation has led to the arrest of some of FIFA's leading officials on corruption charges, casting a shadow over the congress' 65th edition in Zurich, Switzerland, and a planned presidential election Friday.

"Let this be a turning point," Blatter said. "More needs to be done to make sure everyone in football acts responsibly and ethically."

He vowed to cooperate with authorities to ensure those involved in wrongdoing are "discovered and punished."

More bad news may arise and the coming months won't be easy, the longtime FIFA chief said, and he understands that many hold him responsible for FIFA's actions despite that he "cannot monitor everyone all of the time."

"If people want to do wrong, they will also try to hide it, but it must fall to me to (be responsible) for the reputation and well-being of our organization and to find a way forward to fix things," he said.

"We cannot allow the reputation of football and FIFA to be dragged through the mud any longer. It has to stop here and now," he said. "You will agree with me these are unprecedented and difficult times for FIFA. ... Actions of individuals, if proven, bring shame and humiliation on football and demand action and change from us all."
Source: MENA