Kimi Raikkonen

Kimi Raikkonen said Thursday that he is enjoying life at Ferrari this season more than at any other time in his career.

On the eve of opening practice for this weekend's Bahrain Grand Prix, the long-serving 35-year-old Finn told reporters that the atmosphere inside the Italian team this year was the best he had experienced with any team.

"I must say, in the past when I was here at Ferrari they were good times and it was a good atmosphere," he said.

"But this year is the best that I have had in any team --  how the team works together, how people work together, how the atmosphere is and how things are being run.

"All that tells you a lot. I'm very happy."

Ferrari are revived this year and ended their long two-year win drought when German Sebastian Vettel triumphed in Malaysia last month (March).

Their resurgence followed a major staff overhaul and restructuring of the team which saw Italian Maurizio Arrivabene appointed as the new team principal.

Raikkonen hinted Thursday that he may stay with the team after this current contract ends this year.

"The team has to decide that," he said. "You will have to talk to them. Time will tell what will happen. I'm happy with how things are running."

He has gained support from friend and new team-mate Vettel who praised his efforts.

"I think he's doing a very, very good job," said Vettel. "He was in the past. Probably, last year, it wasn't noticed so much, but inside the team it definitely was.

"I don't know the details of his contract. I think it's in his hands if he wants to carry on in Formula One. There would be plenty of interest in a fast driver like him, with the experience that he has, if he wants to carry on.
Source: AFP