Suicides Killed, Security Man Injured in Northern Riyadh

Saudi Interior Ministry on Saturday announced that two terrorists were killed and a security man was injured in an exchange of fire Saturday's dawn in northeastern Riyadh, Saudi press agency reported. 
Security apparatus managed to find Taye' Salem Al-Say'arai, a Saudi national, who played a dangerous role in manufacturing explosive-laden belts used in some terror-related crimes, in a house in Yasmine district, northeast of Riyadh, Interior Ministry's spokesman added in a statement. 
Another man identified as Talal Bin Samran Al-Saedi was found with Al-Say'arai in the same house where explosive-laden belts were manufactured, the spokesman said. 
Following surrounding the house, the forces asked the two terrorists to surrender, but they retaliated to the call by heavily firing and targeting security men, in order to flee, a fact that led security men to retaliate, resulting in killing both of them, while a security man was, slightly, injured, and his condition is stable. 
Saudi Security forces seized, following the shoot-out two exploding belts ready to be used and detonated them, one locally-made grenade and two basins containing chemical materials, suspected to be used in making the explosives.

Source: QNA