The Palestinian Arabic dailies

The Palestinian Arabic dailies Sunday focused on the extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) on Palestine and Jerusalem, to be held in Jakarta between March 6-7.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said President Mahmoud Abbas is set to attend the fifth extraordinary summit of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) on Palestine and Jerusalem. 

On a different subject, Al-Ayyam and al-Hayat al-Jadida said Amnesty International, a human rights non-governmental organization, has launched an appeal to free Mohammad Abu Sakha, a Palestinian circus performer, who is being held under administrative detention, without charge or trial by Israeli authorities.

Al-Quds said Israeli authorities are planning to confiscate more than 2,000 dunums of Palestinian-owned land near the village of Kisan, to the east of Bethlehem.

The three dailies said the Palestinian government dismissed news reports that it had been asked by donor countries to provide them with copies of pay slips of Palestinian civil employees.

Al-Ayyam said the Israeli army carried out massive detentions in Hebron, in southern West Bank, and in the village of Hosan near Bethlehem.

It said a French envoy is due to arrive in Ramallah and Jerusalem in the next few days for talks on an international peace conference.

Source: WAFA