Gender mix in beauty salons.

Morocco’s Interior Ministry issued a decree on Sunday overruling a previous one from the Mayor of Fez, Idriss Azami, which prohibited gender mix in beauty salons.

The decision to overrule the mayor’s edict came in a decree issued on February 12. It followed a memo issued by Said Zniber, the Ouali of the city of Fez, to Idriss Azami on February 2, confirming that the state would oppose his decree.

In Zniber’s memo, the Ministry of Interior “would oppose the collective decision, taken by the council of Fez, for standing against the provisions of the Constitutive Law of the Constituencies No. 113.14, in particular Article 100 thereof, which refers to the practice of President of the Council of the powers of the administrative police in the fields of protection of health, hygiene, and public tranquility, and traffic safety, by taking regulatory decisions, without discrimination between the genders.”

Source :Morocco World News