Kamal Amer

The chairman of the parliamentary committee for defense and national security said activating the formation of a supreme council for combating terror and supporting its social role is a top priority for the committee. 

During a meeting with editors on Monday, Kamal Amer added that the committee is also keen on following up security conditions in Sinai and the development process in Sinai and border areas.

He said the committee has a remarkable role in defending national issues.

The committee is also preparing a number of draft laws on national, social, military and technological security.

He said the committee has prepared a message to President Abdel Fattah El Sisi entitled "appreciation, confidence and support".

The message commends the efforts exerted by the president, his steel resolve and unprecedented courage in taking decisions in addition to his pivotal role in furthering Egypt's ties with all world countries and realizing stability, he expounded.

Source: MENA