Arab League

The meetings of the 99th round of the Economic and Social Council of the Arab League, led by Algeria, kicked off on Thursday at the AL headquarters in Cairo.

The meetings are attended by the Arab ministers of trade, industry and finance and their representatives. 

Deputy Secretary General of the AL Ahmed bin Heli, AL assistant secretary general for economic affairs Kamal Hassan Ali and AL assistant secretary general for social affairs Badr el Din Alali also attended the meeting.

The council is expected to discuss the economic and social files planned to be raised to the next Arab Summit, due March 29 in Jordan.

The meetings will also tackle the outcome of the previous Arab summits as well as cooperation between the AL, UN and other specialized organizations in economic and social fields.

The Arab minister will also discuss investment in the Arab world and the green belts project in Arab countries.

A UN report concerning the Arab sustainable human development in 2016 and the forming of an AL committee to follow up the 2030 sustainable development goals in the Arab world and other issues are also expected to be discussed in the meetings.

Source: MENA