President of the republic, Michel Aoun, on Monday maintained that national unity was key to preserve stability on

President of the republic, Michel Aoun, on Monday maintained that national unity was key to preserve stability on the security and political levels, stressing that all efforts must aim to protect this unity, especially amid the current critical juncture in the country.

The President chaired today a high-level security and judicial meeting at Baabda palace, to discuss the necessary measures following the sudden resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri.

"The responsiveness of all the political forces to the calls for appeasement, enhances stability on the security level and preserves national unity," Aoun said.

He also asked the security chiefs to carry on coordination and to keep vigilant, and called media means not to disseminate rumors harming national unity and public safety.

The meeting was attended by Ministers Yaacoub Sarraf (National Defense), Salim Jreissati (Justice), and Nohad Mashnouq (Interior), as well as State Prosecutor Judge Samir Hammoud, Military Prosecutor Judge Peter Germanos, Army Commander General Joseph Aoun, General Security Chief General Abbas Ibrahim, Internal Security Forces Director General Imad Othman, State Security Chief General Toni Saliba, Intelligence Chief General Antoine Mansour, and Information Branch Head General Khaled Hammoud.

The chiefs submitted reports on the current security condition and the adopted measures and procedures to preserve home stability.

Speaking to reporters following the meeting, Minister Jreissati indicated that the President had confirmed that his contacts with the political forces were still "ongoing in order to address the fresh situation following the resignation of Prime Minister Saad Hariri from outside Lebanon."

"Aoun called for full readiness to follow up on the fresh developments and stressed on the coordination among the security apparatuses," he said.

"President Aoun also maintained that the responsiveness of the political leaderships to the climate of appeasement contributes to preserving stability on the security level in the country," he added.

Also, the minister said the security meetings will be open-ended.

"Today's meeting is not to retaliate to any statement delivered by any Saudi official," he stressed, explaining that the meeting is of a security, judicial, and sovereign nature.

"We are waiting for the return of the Prime Minister," he concluded.

Separately, the President had met with former minister Karim Pakradouni, over the latest political developments

Source: NNA