The Arab League

The Arab League denied on Wednesday statements attributed to Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit on the Qatari crisis.

In a press release, Abul Gheit's spokesman Mahmoud Afifi said statements attributed to Abul Gheit on the way Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the UAE dealt with Qatar are void of truth.

Quoting a news agency, some media outlets reported that Abul Gheit told a press conference with Italian Foreign Minister Angelino Alfano on Tuesday that the way the four Arab countries dealt with Qatar was wrong.

The spokesman said Abul Gheit was so accurate during the press conference and did not talk about the responsibility of any side engaged in the crisis. So there is no need for any wrong or misled interpretations of Abul Gheit's statements, he added.

Abul Gheit's stance towards the Qatari crisis has been clear from the beginning and there is no place for any confusion, he added.

He urged all media outlets to be accurate in dealing with such sensitive issues.

Source: MENA