President of the republic, Michel Aoun, maintained, at the beginning of a Cabinet session on Thursday, that the

President of the republic, Michel Aoun, maintained, at the beginning of a Cabinet session on Thursday, that the economic meeting held recently at Baabda palace had shown flaws in the salary scale and taxes bills, adding that work on rectifying them is underway.

Aoun informed the convening ministers of the outcomes of the Baabda economic meeting, stressing that discussions were "good" and "constructive."

He later tackled school fees' issue, highlighting the obligation of the Education Ministry to monitor the tuitions.

Moreover, Aoun informed the Cabinet that the Minister of Economy, Raed Khoury, had updated him on his ministry's work to control prices.

On the security level, the President maintained that the army was assuming its duty around the clock in order to liberate the lands on the borders.

"We must support the military institution in its national mission," he stressed.

Furthermore, Aoun informed the ministers of his fresh inspection of water dams, reminding them to draft work plans for each ministry with a view of improving the performance of the executive authority.

He also highlighted the necessity to speed up the endorsement of the state budget, adding that the government is determined to submit to the Parliament next year's budget within the constitutional deadlines.

In addition, Aoun informed the Cabinet that he would chair the Lebanese delegation to the United Nations and deliver Lebanon's word that would include a demand to designate Lebanon as a center for the dialogue of religions and civilizations.

For his part, Prime Minister Saad Hariri highlighted the importance of working together to activate the law and implement successful partnership projects.

He also hailed the Lebanese army achievements and efforts to end terrorism on the borders.

It was decided at the session, building on the proposal of Minister of Energy, Caesar Abi Khalil, to cancel the call for tenders on floating power plants, and to adopt a new book of conditions based on certain mechanisms and within specific deadlines set by the cabinet

Source: NNA