Bahrain supported the military operations conducted by the US

Bahrain supported the military operations conducted by the US against the sites from which attacks using chemical weapons were launched on Khan Shaikhoun in Syria. 
Bahrain affirms that such a step was needed to stop the bloodshed and prevent the proliferation or use of any banned weapons against innocent civilians, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement 
"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs praises President Donald J Trump's remarks, which reflect the United States determination and strong will to defeat terrorism in all its forms. The ministry also expresses its appreciation of the efforts of the United States in combatting terrorism and affirms that the Kingdom of Bahrain stands resolutely with the United States in this fight wherever it takes place," the statement said.
"The ministry stresses that the clear US stance came in support of efforts to end the Syrian crisis and called on all sides to remain committed to maintaining the interest of the Syrian people and working seriously and transparently to put an end to their suffering."
The ministry affirms the need for concerted efforts by all to maintain a ceasefire and arrange for negotiations that will lead to a comprehensive political settlement, on the basis of the 2012 Geneva 1 Conference and the relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions in a way that preserves the sovereignty and the territorial integrity of Syria and safety of its people, the statement added. 

Source: BNA