UAE Alittihad editor-in-chief Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Hammadi

A UAE media personality hailed the viability of Bahrain’s strategy to confront the campaign of terrorist attacks targeting educational establishments.
Bahrain set a model in countering terrorism by developing textbooks and extracurricular activities and instilling the values of tolerance, co-existence and dialogue among students and teachers”, said UAE Alittihad editor-in-chief Mohammed Ibrahim Al-Hammadi.

He underlined the crucial importance of developing school curricula and activities provided to students at all levels so as to keep them abreast of fast local and international shifts.

The aim is immunize students and cultivate their ability to deal with all challenges that confront their country and have a grasp of international developments, citing violence and extremist ideologies as major threats.

Al-Hammadi was addressing a forum themed “Education, Extremism and Terrorism”, which was organized by the UAE Centre for Strategic Studies and Researches.

A Bahraini delegation led by Education Minister Dr. Majid bin Ali Nuaimi outlined the string of measures to counter terrorist attacks on schools since 2011.
The delegation cited particularly the concept of school as an incubator that consolidates citizenship and human rights.
