Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih

The First Vice President of the Republic and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, has affirmed importance of the National Training Council and its role in the qualification of the employees in the state.
This came in his address Monday at the Council of Ministers' Secretariat General to the first meeting of the National Training Council.
He said that the current stage requires implementing an ambitious training program, especially within framework of the State's Reform Program.
He called for organizing work of the public and private training centres so as to operate in accordance with the national training plan for realizing the targeted goals.
The First Vice - President and National Prime Minister pointed out that the National Training Council is responsible for the training of employees and enhancing their skills toward increasing the production.
He described the civil service as the spear-head in the state reform process and a major pillar for implementing the national dialogue outcome.
Meanwhile, the Minister of Human Resources Development, Dr. Al-Saddiq Al-Mahdi affirmed that his ministry represents the corner stone for implementing the state reform program.
He appreciated the cooperation between his ministry, the Presidency of the Republic and the Ministry of Finance, a matter that resulted in enhancing the flow of funding for implementation of different training programs, especially in the first half of the year 2017.
He announced that his ministry has concluded formulation of the Training Act for the year 2017.

Source: SUNA