Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih.

The First Vice-President and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih was briefed on overall situations , particularly the security situation in Kassala State as well as regarding state of emergency and borders shutdown.

Governor of Kassala State, Adam Jamma'a affirmed in press statements after meeting with the First Vice-President of the Republic in the Republican Palace, Wednesday, stability of security situations in the State , saying the situation is excellent and under control.

He added that he briefed the First Vice-President on economic situations in the Kassala State and efforts made by State government to lessen burdens of living.

Jamma'a indicated to the First Vice-President's directives regarding cementing the internal front and placing more attention to people livelihood , provision of goods and services , besides pressing ahead with implementation of development projects.

Source: SUNA