Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, received Engineer dam Al-Fekki and Dr. Faisal Hassan Ibrahim

The First Vice - President of the Republic and National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, received Wednesday in his office at the Republican Palace the Wali (governor) of South Darfur State, Engineer dam Al-Fekki, in presence of the Federal Government Minister, Dr. Faisal Hassan Ibrahim, and discussed the general situation in South Darfur.
In a statement to SUNA, the Wali said that he informed the First Vice - President on the security situation and the cultivation season the state.
Engineer Al-Fekki indicated that his state is witnessing great stability and security, especially following the collection of weapons from the hands of citizens.
He said that the meeting has discussed the arrangement for a visit due to be paid by the President of the Republic to South Darfur State during September 21 - 22.
He disclosed that the President of the Republic will visit Shattaya and Geraida localities and Kalma displaced people camp, adding that he also informed the First Vice - President and National Prime Minister about implementation of development and services in the state.
