The commander of the Saudi Royal Airforce, Lt General Mohamed Bin Salih Al Utaibi, has expressed Saudi

The commander of the Saudi Royal Airforce, Lt General Mohamed Bin Salih Al Utaibi, has expressed Saudi appreciation of the joint military, security economic and military training cooperation between the Sudan and his country
Addressing the final day of the joint air force maneuvers between the Sudanese and Saudi Air forces, the commander of the Saudi Airforce said the participation and cooperation in such training reflects the depth of the relations between the two countries and help preserve the gains of the nation
The Saudi military commander also conveyed the greetings of King Salaan Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saood, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques ad that of His Royal Highness Emir Mohamed Bin Naif Bin Abdul Aziz the crown prince and he greetings of the council of Ministers of Saudi Arabia and the Ministry of Interior, the greetings of His Royal Highness Emir Mohmed Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saod and the Crown Prince to the Sudanese People and Sudanese air force involved in the training and maneuvering operations.
He also commended President Omar Bashir for his supervision and blessing of the final training maneuvers of the Blue Shield one" an congratulated the participation the training from the senior office to rank officer and privates who were able to really through the training cement and inculcate the various values and principles of cooperation, backing and brotherhood between the two sister countries.

Source : SUNA