Bahrain News Agency (BNA)

Bahrain News Agency (BNA) participated in the 42nd Executive Board meeting of the Asia and Pacific News Agenes (OANA) hosted by Lebanon’s National News Agency (NNA) May 3-4 in Beirut.

Mohannad Suleiman Al Nuaimi, Acting Director-General of    (BNA) and Vice President of the Federation of Arab News Agency (FANA) said the meeting discussed a number of files that have become a top priority for news agencies’ course of action.

Al Nuaimi noted the OANA efforts to raise its staff performance level to keep abreast of the accelerated media development.

In a paper presented by Al Nuaimi at the meeting, he noted the media faces formidable challenges as the number of terrorist-related incidents are increasing around the world, which requires following the best measures to counter terrorism.

He said the media, in particular official news agencies, is demanded to abide by professional ethics, pointing out BNA’s rejection of all forms of terrorism.

He added that BNA regularly holds meetings with its senior editors and staff to discuss the use of certain terms, referring to Daesh terrorist group, which is not Islamic nor is it a state, therefore it cannot be termed as an Islamic state, and that repetition of such term could help terrorists to spread their destructive ideology. He affirmed BNA’s commitment to fighting terrorism.

He concluded that the BNA’s strategy is based on establishing bonds of friendship, partnership and cooperation with all media institutions and organizations that share its commitment to peace, stability and development for a more peaceful and stable world.

He praised efforts of NNA’s Director-General Lore Suleiman to ensure the success of the meeting.