Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih

The Council of Ministers was Thursday briefed on the latest developments in the process launched to collect illegal fire arms in Darfur and Kordufan States.

The meeting, chaired by the First Vice President of the Republic, the National Prime Minister, Lt. Gen. Bakri Hassan Salih, listened to a report delivered by the Vice President, Hassabo Abdul-Rahman, who heads the Higher Committee for the Arms Collection, on the process in Darfur and Kordufan states.

The Council Speaker, Dr. Omer Salih noted in press statements that the campaign comes in implementation of the recommendations of the National Dialogue to extend the state's sovereignty, eliminate menace to national security and realize the rule of law.

He explained that the campaign which was launched in 8 states will cover all states, indicating that the campaign includes confiscation of all illegally imported four wheel drive vehicles that are usually used in combat situations.

He said owners will be duly compensated and that other cars will be registered and served legal papers upon payment of the due customs fees.

He explained that the plan to collect weapons includes closing all crossing point on face of unlicensed and unregistered cars, deployment of police and prosecutors to impose state's sovereignty and the rule of law.

The spokesman of the Council of Ministers said that the governors of Darfur and Kordufan states have confirmed the importance of the campaign and their support to achieve its objectives.

He said members of the Council of Ministers of the Government of National Accord have called for considering the campaign as national campaign of concern to all people of the country.

The cabinet has meanwhile appealed to all social, cultural and artistic sectors of the community to back up and support the current campaign, and see to its success.
