Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani

HE the Prime Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Nasser bin Khalifa Al-Thani chaired the Cabinet's regular weekly meeting at its Emiri Diwan premises on Wednesday.
After the meeting, HE Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs Ahmed bin Abdullah bin Zaid Al Mahmoud said that the Cabinet reviewed topics on the agenda.
The Cabinet took the necessary measures to issue a draft law on regulating the connection of electricity and water, after it was briefed on the recommendations of the Advisory Council.
The draft law was prepared to replace law No. (4) of 1997 on the procedures and fees for the connection of electricity and water, and law No. (29) of 2008 on the works of electricity and water connection.
Among the provisions provided in the draft law is that Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation shall conduct electricity and water connections to premises, buildings and facilities, and make any additions, changes or transfers therein, and all acts of connection to or separation from the public network. Carrying out any of those tasks are permitted only after obtaining a license from the Corporation.
The Cabinet also approved draft decision of the Minister of Economy and Commerce amending some provisions of decree No. (70) of 2006 regarding shops located in residential areas.
The draft law stipulates the renewal of the licenses for shops for a period of three years as of 6/7/2017.
Moreover, the Cabinet approved a draft decision of the Minister of Municipality and Environment regarding the banned plants in the State of Qatar.
Under the draft decision, the plants listed in the table annexed to this decision are prohibited to be planted in the State of Qatar.
The Cabinet also approved a draft memorandum of understanding for joint cooperation between Qatar Tourism Authority and Qatar National Convention Center in the field of business tourism industry, a draft air services agreement between the Government of the State of Qatar and the Government of the Kingdom of the Netherlands regarding Curacao, and draft memorandum of understanding for cooperation in the field of technical and vocational education and training between the Government of the State of Qatar and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines.
Meanwhile, the Cabinet reviewed a memo of HE the Minister of Administrative Development, Labor and Social affairs on the outcomes of the 33rd session of the GCC Labor Ministers Council and the GCC Social Affairs Ministers Council, and the outcomes of the 3rd meeting of the GCC Labor Ministers Committee and the 3rd meeting of the GCC Social Affairs Ministers Committee (Riyadh - November 2016), and took the appropriate decision thereon. 

Source: QNA