Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil on Tuesday indicated that some sides had attempted to insinuate that Daesh and

Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil on Tuesday indicated that some sides had attempted to insinuate that Daesh and al-Nusra Front were made by Hezbollah, "and the answer is the confessions of the senior officials, who said that the West and some states in the East were behind the extremists."

"Let us celebrate the victory before you stir conflict over it, and let us bid our martyrs honorable farewell instead of attempting to exploit their blood," Bassil told reporters following the weekly meeting of the Change and Reform parliamentary bloc.

"Let Lebanon become stronger by rallying around the strong president and the capable military instead of fabricating news on smuggling the terrorists," he said.

Bassil also highlighted the necessity to take advantage of the victory in northeast Lebanon, urging to end the terrorist pockets present among refugee camps, especially in Ain-el-Hilwe.

"He who covered up the presence of terrorists was part of their Lebanon occupation scheme," he added.

"Our position inside the Cabinet in 2014 is well known, since we refused the illegal extension of the army chief," he went on to say.

"Those who allowed terrorism before had better keep quiet today," calling them to help solve the refugees' issue.

Moreover, Bassil called for the participation in the celebration held by Hezbollah in Baalback.

"We are partners in this victory and we call everybody, including Hezbollah, to participate in the celebration the state will be holding," he concluded

Source: NNA