The Cairo Criminal Court

The Cairo Criminal Court on Saturday delayed to December 30 issuing a verdict in the case of ousted president Mohamed Morsi and 24 others over charges of insulting the judicial authority.

A decision on the charges against the defendants was expected Saturday, but the judge said it will be issued on December 30.

The list of defendants includes chairman of the Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party Saad el Katatny, senior member Mohamed el Beltagy, Muslim Brotherhood lawyers Ahmed Abou Baraka and Sobhi Saleh, Al Jamaa Al Islamiya member Assem Abdel Maged, Al Wasat Party member Mohamed Mahsoub, former judge Mahmoud el Khodeiry and lawyers Mohamed Moneib Ginidy, Mansour Al Zayat, Amir Hamdy Salem and Hamdy el Fakharany.

Former lawmakers Amr Hamzawy, Mostafa el Naggar, Mahmoud el Saqqa and Mamdouh Ismail are also implicated in the case.

Source: MENA