Iftaa House Islamophobia Observatory

Iftaa House Islamophobia Observatory warned against a new campaign by the terrorist organization of Daesh to incite sectarian sedition between Muslims and Christians in Egypt after releasing a video to call for fighting whom they described as "infidels". 

In a statement released on Monday, Iftaa Observatory called for adhering to national unity and not allowing such malicious campaigns to spread fear among Egyptians, noting that such bloody group has been able to sneak into Syria and Iraq when it managed to spark off civil and sectarian tensions among their people.

It also reiterated the need for backing the prestigious Egyptian foundations in their tough fight against hideouts of extremists and terrorist thought.

The Observatory pointed out that the recent video released by Daesh on the perpetrator of the terrorist attack in Egypt's St.Peter Church was meant for propaganda and to reflect a wrong image about animosity between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.

The statement also warned against the fatwas issued by such extremist and bloody group which take some Quranic verses out of their context to incite for killing non-Muslims and attacking their worship places

Source: MENA