Dh5 million in fake products seized by Sharjah authorities

More than Dh5 million worth of fake goods have been seized by authorities, leading the Sharjah Economic Development Department to warn people from buying counterfeit products, especially cosmetics and foodstuffs.
In its latest report, the department said it seized Dh5,286,720 worth of counterfeit goods - almost 100,000 bodycare products and 40,560 cosmetic items - from Sharjah markets.
Salim Al Suwaidi, deputy director of the commercial control and protection department, said consumers face dangers when buying fake or cheap products.
"Cheap products, especially the ones that are used in daily life such as food, electrical appliances and construction materials, can pose a great risk to consumers’ health, public health and the environment," said Mr Al Suwaidi.
Sultan Al Suwaidi, director of SEDD, said inspectors are working around the clock to protect residents from fake products.
Among the haul was 43,440 fake spare parts for cars.

Source: The National