Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, began his US pastoral tour, visiting Detroit, Michigan,

Maronite Patriarch, Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Rahi, began his US pastoral tour, visiting Detroit, Michigan, and presiding over a mass at the Mar Maron Church.

In his sermon, Rahi addressed the situation in Lebanon, saying "We feel a heavy burden weighing on our shoulders. Owing to the Christian culture, Lebanon is distinguished from all the countries of the Middle East by religious, sectarian and cultural pluralism, and by separating religion from power, while respecting the religious identity of each community."

"It is our duty as Lebanese to protect Lebanon in its advantages and characteristics for the benefit of all of us, and for it to carry out its mission in its Arab environment," he said.

"While the countries of the Middle East suffer the scourge of sectarian wars, murder, destruction and displacement by terrorist organizations backed with money, arms and political coverage, we feel the need for Christians to remain in their land and their homeland, to testify to evangelical values: the values of brotherhood, peace and the sanctity of human life," Rahi said.

"This is also required from moderate, well-intentioned, and religious Muslims. So, all displaced persons and refugees must return to their homeland by virtue of citizenship. As for those who have sought refuge in Lebanon from Syria (whose number amounts to more than half a million), and the Palestinians, they have become half of the Lebanese population, thus posing a great burden on Lebanon, rather becoming a demographically, economically, politically, culturally, and security threat. Their return to safe areas in Syria is necessary, without us abandoning our humanitarian solidarity with them, and our social compassion with their cause," Rahi noted

Source: NNA