Dubai Customs smart innovations helps increase customs transactions

Dubai Customs smart innovations have helped increase number of customs transactions in general and in Port Rashid in particular.

Port Rashid has dealt with 606,922 transactions in the first nine months of 2017. Electronic clearance had the lion’s share of these transactions with 438,220 transactions (72%), and insurance registration with 98,236 transactions (16%). The new smart customs cards for vehicles facilitated the service and helped raise the transactions in this service to 39,848 (7%).

Yousef Al Hashimi, Director of Jebel Ali Customs Centres Management, said, " The increase in customs transactions is indicative of Dubai’s important status as a leading trade hub, and a good manifestation of the healthy economic growth that the emirate has despite the volatile markets. Dubai Customs has worked hard and flawlessly to sustain the growth by introducing world class services and innovative products to its clients using the latest devices and practices in support of legitimate trade".

Abdul Azziz Al Sulman, Senior Director of Port Rashid Customs Centre, said, " There is a considerable progress in the number of transactions carried out by the centre thanks to the world-class advanced technologies applied. This puts Dubai Customs in the forefront of world customs business, especially with the distinctive reputation Dubai enjoys worldwide. Port Rashid Centre is compatible with the international star rating of service delivery, so the facilities are very advanced and well equipped to meet different needs including those of people of determination".