Lebanese Information Minister Melhem Riachi

Lebanese Information Minister Melhem Riachi asserted that Egypt and Lebanon with all their prestigious foundations are more powerful than any terrorist movements which seek to undermine stability and national unity of both countries.

The minister's remarks were made during his visit to the premises of MENA where he was welcomed by MENA Board Chairman and Editor-in-Chief Ali Hassan.

The minister pointed out that Egypt and Lebanon are playing a major role in confronting terrorism, noting that media has a powerful role in conveying the facts on the ground.

He highlighted the historical relations binding the two countries, voicing happiness over the close cooperation between MENA and Lebanon's National News Agency (NNA). 

Meanwhile, MENA Chairman Ali Hassan highlighted President Abdel Fattah El Sisi's remarks on the importance of consolidating efforts to face terrorism and the countries supporting it, noting that all Egyptians are united behind their leader.

Hassan also underlined the role of media in uncovering all destructive schemes which target the whole region. He also said Lebanon has suffered from terrorism for many decades and paid a dear price in its war on terrorism, calling for buttressing cooperation efforts between the two countries in order to restore their position at the forefront of the Arab region.

MENA chairman also said peaceful coexistence among Lebanese people is a model to be followed, praising the steadfastness of the Lebanese people in overcoming all tough circumstances that they have faced.

He also said relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt are unbreakable and highlighted the role of Al Azhar Grand Imam Sheikh Ahmed El Tayyeb and Pope Tawadros II in enhancing national unity and undermining any attempts to spread sedition among the Egyptian people

The Lebanese minister was accompanied by a high-profile media delegation including Director General of NNA Laure Saab and Director General of the Lebanese Information Ministry Hassan Falha

Source: MENA