Minister Ahmed Zaky Badr

Local Development Minister Ahmed Zaky Badr has assigned the inspection department at his Ministry to follow up preparations for the first phase of the parliamentary elections slated for October 18-19.

The first phase of the polls will be conducted in the governorates of Giza, Fayyoum, Beni Sweif, Minya, Assiut, the New Valley, Sohag, Qena, Luxor, Aswan, the Red Sea, Alexandria, Behaira and Mersa Matrouh.

The parliamentary vote is the third and last stage of the road map for the future.

In statements Monday, Badr said he is following up preparations with the High Election Commission (HEC) and other bodies concerned.

The preparations include choosing the voting stations, and deploying ambulances and fire trucks outside general stations.

Seats should also be made available inside the balloting stations for the elderly voters.

Badr said his Ministry is acting with all bodies concerned to guarantee the vote is free, transparent and democratic

Source: MENA