Egypt's Mufti Shawki Allam

Egypt's Mufti Shawki Allam underlined the importance of cooperation between all countries at all levels to overcome the danger of terrorism especially that this phenomenon does not pose threats to a certain nation but it extended to Europe.

This remark came during the meeting held between Allam and the Australian Ambassador here Neil Hawkins to discuss means of promoting religious cooperation between Dar el Ifta and Australia.

The mufti said that the security and military solution are not enough to fight extremism, adding that eradicating terrorism needs intellectual confrontation.

He further reiterated that Dar Al Ifta sought from the early beginning to reject the takfiri fatwas (religious edicts) which have spread during the two past years via its pages at the social network sites where its followers reached more than four million persons.

For his part, Hawkins hailed the success of the visit paid by the Mufti's Adviser Ibrahim Negm to Australia, adding that the Egyptian official managed to post the Australian side on the difference between the noble message of Islam that aims at spreading mercy and peace and the extremist thoughts propagated by the terror organizations.

Source : MENA