Emirates Policy Centre

The Emirates Policy Centre will organise a workshop titled,"Qatar’s Unilateral Policies: Assessment of the Political Risks of Doha’s Ambitions" on Monday, with the participation of prominent experts, scholars, academics and media.

Dr. Ibtisam Al-Kitbi, President of the centre, said that the workshop will tackle the circumstances of the Qatari crisis in its Gulf and Arab contexts and the consequences of this crisis on Gulf and Arab interests in light of Doha’s stubbornness to respond to the GCC demands, such as the need for Qatar to stop supporting terrorism, including financial and political sponsorship of extremist and terrorist groups in the region.

Dr. Al-Kitbi explained that it is important at this moment to consolidate forces to settle outstanding issues. "Maintaining the factors of instability in the region are detrimental to the Gulf and Arab interests in particular and the American and western interests in general," she added.

She said that the workshop will focus on the implications of Qatar’s unilateral policies on its people and the GCC bloc, as well as, Doha’s alliances with regional powers at the expense of its Gulf brethren’s security and interests in a way that harms the GCC’s unity and its regional and international strategic status.