Emirates Red Crescent test-pumping water wells in Yemen

Emirates Red Crescent, the UAE’s humanitarian arm, today started test-pumping from Zaman artesian aquifer in Fuwwah district, west of Mukalla, in Yemen’s southern governorate of Hadramaut, as part of its efforts to provide the population with clean drinking water.

It is part of the UAE’s initiative to carry out infrastructure development projects in Hadramaut to help citizens suffering from water scarcity, stated Abdullah Al Musaferi, representative of Emirates Red Crescent in the governorate.

Water supply in the east of Mukalla and the old city is expected to increase by 30 percent, he said.

Waheeb Ghanem, head of the government department responsible for water and sewage services, thanked the government and the people of the UAE for boosting services and improving infrastructure in Hadramaut.

The Emirates Red Crescent has recently started pumping from five wells at Falak artesian aquifer, east of Mukalla, after completing the required infrastructure works.