ERC signs agreement to restore lecture halls in Yemen

The Emirates Red Crescent Authority, ERC, signed an agreement today to construct and restore lecture halls at the College of Oil and Minerals in the governorate of Shabwah.

Signing of the agreement, Mohammed Saif Al Muhairi, Head of the ERC team in Shabwa, said that the construction project is one of a series of infrastructure projects being carried out by the ERC in the area.

The plan comes within the framework of the UAE Red Crescent to support the education sector in the governorate, with projects being implemented according to priority and need, he added.

Al Muhairi said that the ERC had discussed with the competent authorities a number of studies related to infrastructure projects in various service sectors. The most important projects identified were those in the education and health sectors, which have been given priority in terms of projects aimed at alleviating the suffering of Shabwa’s civilians.

The college officials praised the ERC for its efforts in various development and humanitarian fields in the liberated Yemeni governorates.