FNC committee discusses Ministry of Health policy

The Health and Environmental Affairs Committee in the Federal National Council has discussed the Ministry of Health and Prevention policy during a meeting held recently at the General Secretariat's headquarters in Dubai, chaired by Salem Obaid Al Shamsi, Head of the Committee.

Al Shamsi said that the committee reviewed a study conducted by the General Secretariat on the policy of the Ministry of Health and Prevention, as part of its work plan. He highlighted that the study consisted of components related to the expansion of healthcare services, the development of local medical and administrative staff cadres, and the privileges provided to them.

He added that the committee also reviewed the recommendations of the study to solve the cited problems, and praised the role of the government and its efforts in organising health insurance systems in the country.

Al Shamsi said that the committee also reviewed the suggested field visit schedule as part of its plan to address the subject, which will include visits to hospitals and health centres of the Ministry of Health and Prevention. This will be followed by meetings with ministry representatives to exchange views and receive answers to the questions and remarks of the committee members.