Foreign Ministers, Chiefs of Staff of Member States of Coalition

The Foreign Ministers and Chiefs of Staff of the States Coalition Supporting the Legitimacy in Yemen stressed that the movement of their countries politically and militarily came in response to the legitimate Yemeni government's appeal against the militia who carried out a military coup to hijack the Yemeni state and occupy Sana'a as well as in line with the Security Council Resolution No. 2216.

H.H. Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, led the UAE delegation at the meeting.

This came in the final communique announced by Colonel Pilot Turki bin Saleh al-Maliki, official spokesperson of the Coalition Forces in Yemen, during a press conference held today in Riyadh with Ambassador Osama Naqli, Chairman of the Media Department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, following the conclusion of the meeting.

According to the Saudi Press Agency, SPA, the member states condemned the militia’s killing of the Yemeni people and their exposure to famine, fear, disease and the tampering with the capabilities of the Yemeni people and the threatening of the security and stability of the regional countries, particularly the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Bahrain in addition to maritime navigation in Bab Al Mandeb, one of the most important water crossings in the world.

They stressed the importance of addressing hostile practices carried out by the coup militias, confirmed their standing by the Yemeni legitimacy, security, unity, stability and territorial integrity in addition to protecting the Yemeni people from the militia’s continuous violations.

They stressed the importance of confronting Al-Qaida and other terrorist organisations.

The final communique confirmed that the military operations of the coalition are carried out in accordance to the relevant international laws, including the international humanitarian law.

With regard to the annual report of the UN Secretary-General on the children in the armed conflicts issued on 6th October 2017, the participants rejected parts of the report as containing false information and noted a strong reservation on those parts and information, calling upon the UN to revise the mechanisms and fact-finding tools.

They lauded parts of the report, which hailed measures taken by the coalition in protecting the civilians.

They strongly expressed their denunciation of the negative role played by Iran through supporting the coup militias with weapons, ammunition, ballistic missiles and mines which represent flagrant violations of the Security Council Resolution No. 2216, stressing that the Iranian regime and its tools are responsible of destabilising the security in the region.

They condemned the flagrant violations of the sanctity of the Islamic holy sites such as when the militia targeted the holy city of Makkah with missile, an act condemned by the Muslim world.

They also condemned the coup militias' criminal acts, such as using, training and recruiting children in armed conflicts in addition to imposing the siege on cities and looting the humanitarian aid, which led to the spread of epidemics and famine among civilians.

They asserted their countries' full commitment to continue providing humanitarian relief assistance to the Yemeni people, lauding the great humanitarian role provided by King Salman Relief and Humanitarian Aid Centre.

They thanked all the coalition countries for their martyrs, sacrifices, and direct or indirect relief and humanitarian assistance (the United Arab Emirates, the Republic of Sudan, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the State of Kuwait, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, the Republic of Djibouti, the Republic of Yemen, the Kingdom of Malaysia, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of Senegal and the Kingdom of Morocco).

The states expressed support for the efforts exerted by UN envoy to Yemen lsmail Ould Cheikh Ahmed based on the Security Council Resolution No. 2216, the GCC initiative and outputs of the national dialogue. They refused to open any parallel track that weakens the UN efforts.

They concluded by stressing the need for the coalition states to highlight their message and disclose the criminal practices and plans carried out by the coup militias with the support of Iran and Hezbollah.

They stressed the importance of reconstruction of Yemen, lauding establishment of Yemen Reconstruction Fund supported by a number of states.