Prime Minister Saad Hariri chaired, at Bayt-al-Wasat on Tuesday, the Future parliamentary bloc's weekly meeting,

Prime Minister Saad Hariri chaired, at Bayt-al-Wasat on Tuesday, the Future parliamentary bloc's weekly meeting, in presence of MP Fouad Siniora and the lawmakers, to dwell on the current situation on the local scene.

In a statement issued following the meeting and read out by MP Ammar Houri, "the bloc hailed the Prime Minister's decision to put his resignation on hold, pending the outcome of the political consultations and contacts aimed to glean all political forces' commitment to the dissociation policy, the Arab common interest, the Constitution, and Taef Agreement."

On a different note, the bloc sternly condemned the terrorist attack on a mosque in Egypt, killing and wounding hundreds

Source: NNA