The Future Parliamentary bloc held its weekly meeting under the chairmanship of bloc head Fouad Siniora, with

The Future Parliamentary bloc held its weekly meeting under the chairmanship of bloc head Fouad Siniora, with talks touching on the overall situation in the country.

At the end of the meeting, a statement read by MP Ammar Houry, tackled the operation carried out b the Lebanese Army in al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek mountains.

MPs saluted the Lebanese Army's achievements in their military operation to liberate Al-Qaa and Ras Baalbek mountains from the control of terrorists.

"The Lebanese Armed Forces have proved, once again that, with its national will, the determination of its leadership, its officers and its soldiers, the sacrifices of its innocent martyrs and the suffering of its wounded, it is capable of protecting the entire homeland. The Army is determined to restore the role of the State and the prestige of the army as one of its most important instruments," the statement read.

"The LAF is carrying out this national battle with its free decision and firm will, without any dictation or partnership from anyone," Future MPs stressed.

The bloc pointed out that it received with satisfaction the clear and explicit declaration by the Army command on "the absence of coordination with any party or in this military operation."
"This declaration came as a strong response to the allegations of some parties that seek to build legitimacy for their illegal weapons at the expense of the nation, civil peace and the unity of the Lebanese. (...) The basic fact that unfolds in the light of what is happening in the region and Lebanon is the defeat of terrorists: the terrorism of Bashar al-Assad and his Iranian allies on the one hand, and the terrorism of Daesh and extremist groups, on the other hand."

The Future bloc pointed out that "the Taif Agreement is the only way to establish balanced Lebanese-Syrian relations based on mutual respect for the independence, freedom and sovereignty of each of them."

Source: NNA