Lebanese Forces leader, Samir Geagea, maintained that March 14 camp did not die and that the movement

Lebanese Forces leader, Samir Geagea, maintained that March 14 camp did not die and that the movement was still ongoing, adding that if it dies, Lebanon also will.

"March 14 did not die and it is still very much alive (...) March 14 is still alive for one simple reason, that is Lebanon; when March 14 dies, Lebanon will die in turn. March 14 is still existent. The organizational structure of the movement is just a detail, but what is certain is that the project is ongoing and so are the spirit and the goal," he underlined.

Geagea's words came during the LF first festival in Australia, at Le Montage Centre in Sydney.

In his word, the LF leader did not fail to criticize those calling for coordination with the Syrian regime to ensure the return of the refugees to their country.

"It is all about finding pretenses to re-establish ties with the Assad regime," he considered.

"The only solution to their return is to cease politicizing this issue, and to cooperate with the states that will pave the way for the refugees' return," he said.

"There is a rooted belief among some people that the foreign states interfere in every single this, and this wrong," he went on to say.

"When we are not able to do anything, the states that have interests in Lebanon and the region will take action," he explained.

"If we want to take matters in our own hands, then no one is allowed to intervene. Why haven't the conflicts in the Middle East touched Lebanon? it is because the Lebanese parties agreed to preserve stability in the country," he added.

"Change is within your hands and complaining is useless," he said.

"What is useful is to work and to vote, whether in Lebanon or here, in Australia, by registering to vote," he concluded

Source: NNA