President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir.

President of the Republic, Field Marshal Omer Al-Bashir, has affirmed the government keenness to realize political, economic and social stability toward realizing sustainable development via exploitation of the country's huge resources.
During a meeting at the Republican Palace with a delegation of the National Legislature, President Al-Bashir pointed out that there shall be discrimination between the opposition to government and the state, adding that the state's gains shall not be harmed.
The delegation has conveyed to the President of the Republic the Legislature's response to the statement he has given before the Legislature.
He said that Sudan has realized economic miracles that exceeded the IMF expectations when it maintained its balance following the loss of South Sudan oil.
President Al-Bashir stressed that the national dialogue has represented the biggest achievement as it resulted in great positive outcome and harmony between the different political parties, explaining that more than 100 parties and movements have participated in the national dialogue and the executive and legislative authorities.
He said that Sudan is still facing several economic, security and political challenges that necessitate exertion of more efforts and the unity of rank.
Meanwhile, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Ahmed Ibrahim Al-Tahir, pointed out that the Presidency of the Republic, the Council of Ministers and Parliament will work together for the benefit of Sudan and its people.

Source: SUNA