Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri held Saturday a joyful ceremony for young orphans from a number of associations

Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri held Saturday a joyful ceremony for young orphans from a number of associations and schools in various Lebanese regions, where he joined the children in celebration and distribution of gifts marking the Christmas and New Year occasions.

The ceremony was attended by children from: Saint Mansour Social Welfare Center in Ashrafieh, Islamic Orphanage branches in various regions, Mar Semaan Association in Wadi el-Karm, SOS Children's Villages, Dar Mansour for Charity in Broumana, Druze Orphanage in Abeih, Imam al-Sadr Institutions, Orphan Care Association in Sidon, and the "Sisters of Love" Social Institution in Baskinta

Source: NNA