Ali bin Mohammed Al-Romaihi.

A tribute was paid to His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa for promoting the democratic process in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

“Bahrain’s national democratic process takes into account the nature of our society, without seeking to emulate any other types”, said Information Affairs Minister, Head of Bahrain Insitute for Political Development (BIPD) board of trustees’ chairman Ali bin Mohammed Al-Romaihi.

In a statement to Bahhrain TV News Centre, he paid tribute to HM the King for embarking on a pioneering project which paved the way for the establishment of key institutions over the past two decades.

He cited particularly the bicameral system – Shura Council and Council of Representatives – the National Audit Court, the Public Prosecution and the Supreme Council for Women (SCW).

He described the establishment of the Bahrain Insitute for Political Development (BIPD) as one of the successful fruits of the pioneering reform project, being the first of its kind in the Middle East.

“The think tank has served, since its inception in 2005, more than 30,000 citizens – 10,000 of whom attended periodic training programmes”, he said, adding that awareness programmes targeted 20,000 people, including school and university students, parliamentary candidates and voters.

The institute has issued over the past years more than 300 publications aimed at cultivating the culture of democracy, enhancing political awareness and supporting the parliamentary life.

The minister said that Bahrain is now gearing up to a new chapter in its pioneering democratic process, adding that the Bahrain Insitute for Political Development (BIPD) would play an active role in this regard.

He cited in this regard the training programme “Path” which was launched in the run-up to the 2018 parliamentary and municipal elections to bolster communication with society.

“More than 250 potential parliamentary candidates haved so far participated in the training programme ahead of the upcoming legislative polls, in addition to managers of election campaigns”, said the minister.

He valued the support of HM the King, His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa and His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Premier to the institute.

The minister extended thanks to members of the BIPD board of trustees and the executive administration for their dedicated worlk and strenuous efforts to achieve the objectives of the institute.