Houthi missile fired at Saudi Arabia was ‘made in Iran’

US envoy to the United Nations Nikki Haley said on Thursday at a press conference befor the Security Council in New York that Iran’s behavior in the Middle East is getting worse, fanning flames of conflict.

Haley confirmed that the US has evidence that the missile fired by Houthi militia targeting a civilian airport in Riyadh was made in Iran.

"It was made in Iran then sent to Houthi militants in Yemen," Haley said of the missile.

"From there it was fired at a civilian airport with the potential to kill hundreds of innocent civilians in Saudi Arabia," she added.

Washington seeks to form an international coalition to confront the threat of Iran, Haley stated.

Haley also revealed that the United States has evidence of Iranian support for the Houthis with missiles and weapons.

Haley said that the seized weaponry on display at US base shows blatant Iranian violation of UN resolutions.

The threat of Iranian missiles includes everyone, not just Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, she said, noting that UN resolutions prevent Iran from exporting weapons or missiles.

She added that there has been no improvement in Iran's actions and its continued support for terrorism.

Haley stated that the US Defense Secretary will announce new measures against Iran because of its hostile actions.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia welcomed the report of the United Nations, which stressed that Iran’s hostile interventions and support for the Houthi terrorist militias with advanced and dangerous missile capabilities to threaten the security and stability of the region.