Hundreds of displaced Lebanese and Syrians arrived Thursday afternoon in the Lebanese town of Tufail, located

Hundreds of displaced Lebanese and Syrians arrived Thursday afternoon in the Lebanese town of Tufail, located on the Lebanese-Syrian border, driving their vehicles over mountainous roads and rugged terrains, accompanied by Lebanese army units after the General Security took on handling their paper transactions at the point of "Ham al-Dayaa", about 15 kilometers from Tufail, while a bulldozer proceeded to remove the earth mounds before the convoy of returnees, NNA correspondent in Baalbek reported.

A warm celebration of the returnees filled the town's square, where they were welcomed by the families who preferred to stay behind despite the security risks resulting from the Western Kalamoun battles in Syria on the edge of the Lebanese mountain, which range between 13 Lebanese families and 14 Syrian families, NNA correspondent added.

About 100 families, in coordination with Dar al-Ifta, returned to their hometown of Tufail, whose borders overlap with the Syrian interior. However, many of them will only stay for a few days to check on their possessions and belongings and reconnect with their relatives and neighbors, after which they will return to the various Lebanese towns and cities in which they currently reside

Source: NNA